Where are you located?
I am located within CrossFit Armoury.
The address is 17317 105 Ave NW.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Sometimes a slight pinch may be felt.
Things that help ease this feeling are making sure to have eaten before coming and taking deep breaths.
What is included in a treatment?
The initial treatment involves questions regarding your health, main complaint and other aspects that are important to finding your pattern in Chinese Medicine.
Initial and return treatments include acupuncture, modalities (cupping, gua sha, tui na) as necessary and taping.
What if I only want cupping/taping/auricular acupuncture?
You can book in for these things, options are available to choose from on the scheduling app.

What is acupuncture beneficial for?
Acupuncture has been proven to successfully treat:
- insomnia
- muscle soreness and pain
- frozen shoulder
- back pain
- arthritis/ osteoarthritis
- nerve pain
- anxiety/stress/depression
- common cold
- acute sinusitis and rhinitis
- asthma
- acute conjunctivitis
- toothache
- gastritis
- constipation
- diarrhea
- headaches and migraines
How frequent should I be coming?
This is up to you and what you are capable of doing. For some acute injuries or colds, it might be suggested to come in once a week.
It all boils down to what you are comfortable with. I will never push you to see me more often than is needed.
How do you feel after a treatment?
Sometimes this is explained as feeling acu-drunk. You're happy, relaxed, inward focused and a little bit groggy.
Do you direct bill?
I do!
I can direct bill to:
- Blue Cross
- Manulife
- Industrial Alliance
- Sun Life
- Great West Life
- Chamber of Commerce
- First Canadian
- Johnson
-Johnston Group
- Maximum Benefit.